Academic Balance | Repton Prep

Academic Balance | Repton Prep



ACADEMIC balance

A Repton Prep education finely tunes the balance between academia, creativity and sport to ensure that the talents of every child are nurtured, and new skills developed.

Our outstanding teachers and teaching assistants provide education of the highest quality, where every pupil is well supported and classes are carefully structured to deliver a pace of learning that is suited to the children. We seek to instil a love of learning in every child, and we endeavour to offer them the fullest opportunity to stretch the boundaries of their individual ability.

During the vital Pre-Prep years, children enjoy a broad, fun and challenging curriculum, delivered within a nurturing environment. Our beautiful and extensive grounds, including the lake, low ropes and woods enable outdoor learning to be integral to the curriculum and indeed to the life of the school. 

Nursery, Reception and Year 1 classes have direct access to outdoor learning gardens from their classrooms equipped with chalk boards, all-weather games and seated areas where they can investigate and experiment in the safety of an age-appropriate space and under the caring eye of their classroom teachers and teaching assistants.

Our grounds play a vital role in the academic development of our pupils. Using the environment creatively across a variety of subjects means that teachers are not over-reliant on text books and pupils of all ages can make powerful connections between real world application and classroom learning. 

Visiting places of interest such as museums, galleries, working farms, locations of historical interest and cultural landmarks starts from an early age at Repton Prep and is an important part of our enriching curriculum. Residential trips start at Year 5 and their aim is to provide children with new skills as well as to cement friendships. Field investigations build on topics learnt in Geography, History and Science allowing pupils to explore the natural world and discover relics from our past. Learning in these less formal settings, such as cave exploration, beach combing for fossils or discovering the life beneath the surface of a rock pool, is exciting for children and we seen enormous benefits when they return to the classroom.


From Nursery to Year 4, children are taught by their class teachers for core subjects: Mathematics, English, Science and Humanities. Specialist teachers for Music, Drama, French and Games are introduced to pupils from Year 1 and this continues throughout the School, making full use of Repton Prep’s Music School, D&T labs, Art Studios and sports pitches. Specialist teachers have the experience, knowledge and ability to draw out the best in our pupils and explore subjects in greater detail. They can extend the advanced pupils and provide additional support to individual children who may find subjects more challenging, adopting many different approaches to suit each child’s learning style.

In the Upper years, pupils are taught by specialist teachers for every subject. As well as being able to confidently dive deeper into all the areas of learning, they are taught by teachers who possess a passion for their subject enabling them to bring it to life in an exciting and engaging way for children. As a result, we see excellent academic outcomes and much more confident learners.


From Year 5 teaching groups are streamed by academic ability, using teacher assessment and standardised data. This allows every child to learn within a group of peers working at a similar level. A higher ratio of teaching assistants can be introduced into classes where children need additional support in order to ensure that they reach their potential and in many cases exceed their own expectations. 

Sets are reviewed on an ongoing basis and children may be moved at any time if they need further support or are making excellent progress.

Additional support for pupils with any special educational need – from exam anxiety to dyslexia and every need in between - is provided by our specialist Learning Enhancement team.




Our admission process for prospective families is totally unique to each specific enquiry. We get to know your individual needs and tailor the experience, so you feel sure that together you have made the right choice for your child.