Pupil Wellbeing | Repton Prep

Pupil Wellbeing | Repton Prep




Repton Prep’s sophisticated communication systems ensure that staff share information about pupils to guarantee a personal approach. We call this system WellWorks – a pre-emptive latticework of pastoral care that is finely meshed to prevent any pupil from falling through.

Pastoral management staff, including the Head and Deputy Head Pastoral, meet on a weekly basis with Houseparents and members of the Pastoral Support Team (including the School Chaplain and school counselling team) to ensure that pupils remain firmly at the centre of our pastoral work. All staff are connected through iSAMS and the use of the Wellbeing Manager module has helped to further enhance our support of pupils and their wellbeing.



We use pupil surveys to better understand our pupils’ experiences, and as an accredited, AS Tracking school this proactive mental health tracking tool helps us identify pupils' hidden risks at an early stage.


Each pupil in Prep is assigned a Form Tutor who monitors both academic and pastoral matters and are both pupils’ and parents’ first point of contact at school. Our highly trained and skilled staff know each and every child in their care. Each form group offers pupils a supportive and open environment and ensures that their pastoral needs are dealt with efficiently and effectively. 

Staff members meet with their forms on a daily basis, for both form time and registration, activities will vary across year groups but examples include chess, scrabble and drawing. This is in addition to two assemblies per week, one with a key theme led by staff, pupils or guests to the school and the other being a ‘celebration assembly’ where awards and certificates are given out and successes both from inside and out of school are celebrated.

Tutors are integral within the rewards system throughout the School, awarding excellences as well as Academic and Pastoral Above and Beyond awards.


Repton Prep has a professionally staffed and equipped Health and Wellbeing centre. The staff provide individualised, holistic care for pupils, promoting good health and healthy lifestyles and emergency care for injured or acutely ill pupils. Emergency treatment can also be provided for staff and visitors, in our fully equipped Health and Wellbeing centre, including a defibrillator, is located in its own building on the school campus. 

Pupils with a variety of chronic conditions are cared for in every aspect in close conjunction with parents and teachers and the school Doctor. 

If, as a parent, you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s care, please feel free to contact us directly on 01283 707109 or via email:




8.00am - 4.00pm


8.00am - 4.00pm


8.00am - 4.00pm


8.00am - 4.00pm


8.00am - 4.00pm


9.00am - 1.00pm


Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHCE) lessons complement Repton Prep’s philosophy of offering a broad and balanced education in which pupils learn their societal responsibilities. We believe that all pupils should develop in an environment that promotes mutual respect. PSHE is a highly valued subject at Repton Prep and is included as a timetabled subject for Years 3 – 8. During the weekly PSHE lessons, pupils will cover topics and issues such as internet safety, Relationships and Sex education (RSE), friendships, inclusivity and diversity. However, a lot of topics covered are driven by current affairs. 

The teaching of PSHE is seen as a collective responsibility of all staff but timetabled lessons are taught by staff with a specialist interest in the delivery of PSHE.

Children are encouraged to talk freely, with the knowledge that their views and opinions will be listened to and valued. Children express how they enjoy this special time to share their thoughts in a safe and secure environment.

Aims of the PSHE curriculum at Repton Prep;

  • To teach pupils to live healthily and safely and to reflect on their experiences.
  • To develop the well-being and confidence of our pupils.
  • To encourage self-belief.
  • To enable pupils to take responsibility for their learning and future choices.
  • To encourage the pupils to be responsible and caring members of the school and their local communities
  • To prepare pupils for the moral, social and cultural dilemmas they face as they approach adulthood.
  • To develop each pupil’s understanding of relationships and help them to manage a responsibly wider range of relationships as they grow up.
  • To promote in each individual a respect for others and for the differences between people and cultures.

We ensure that by the time our pupils leave Repton Prep, they have the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy lives, as well as being informed, empathetic and active individuals.




Our admission process for prospective families is totally unique to each specific enquiry. We get to know your individual needs and tailor the experience, so you feel sure that together you have made the right choice for your child.