Boarding at Repton Prep | Prep School Boarding | Repton Prep

Boarding at Repton Prep | Prep School Boarding | Repton Prep




Boarding at Repton Prep School is a highly rewarding experience; as well as developing lifelong friendships with people from all over the world, our boarders build a strong sense of self by immersing themselves in every opportunity Repton Prep provides. 

We have been welcoming pupils to our private boarding school for over 60 years, helping them to gain confidence, and independence, enhance their organisational abilities and improve their social skills which have proved invaluable when they make their transition onto senior school. 

We have four prep boarding houses, where pupils can start boarding at age 7 (Year 3):

  • Francis (Boys’ House)
  • Nightingale (Girls’ House)
  • Knowle Hill (Boys' Flexi-boarding)
  • Burdett (Girls' Flexi-boarding)

"I just wanted to say how much we appreciate all your help and support. This year has been brilliant for our daughter, and I can’t tell you how excited she is to start flexi boarding and be back come September.”

Current Parent


  • Full Boarding - is when pupils stay during the school week and at weekends, going home for exeats, half-term and holidays, this allows pupils the opportunity to immerse themselves fully in the culture of our boarding environment.
  • Weekly Boarding - is a good stepping stone in preparation for the move to becoming a full boarder either at Repton Prep or their chosen senior school. Weekly boarders go home at the end of the school day on Saturday, returning back to school on Monday morning. 
  • Home and Away Boarding - allows pupils to return home on Wednesday and Saturday nights, but we often find that they choose to stay in on a Wednesday after sports fixtures (it's tuck night!).
  • Flexi Boarding - enables parents to book their children into our Flexi-Boarding House on an ad-hoc basis. This particularly suits younger pupils who are excited by the idea of boarding and want to experience more.


Prep boarders, Houseparents and their families live together, creating a real sense of belonging and security. Boarders are an extension of the Houseparents’ families, and our numbers mean that they maintain excellent relationships with pupils of all ages. All Houseparents have clearly defined and agreed values, ensuring that pupils understand what is expected of them whilst they are at school.

Each of the four Prep Boarding Houses accommodates pupils from Year 3 to Year 8, helping to create a family atmosphere where the older, more experienced boarders act as role models and help nurture and support others. Each House has its own relaxed atmosphere where children can be children, enjoying running around in the fresh air, playing games with their friends, reading, catching up with their favourite TV programmes or simply chatting with friends and boarding tutors.


The Repton School private boarding communities are greatly enriched by the blend of different countries and societies from which our pupils originate. Diversity prospers here within the culture of a traditional English private boarding school. We seek to create an environment in which all pupils are drawn together by their desire for excellence and which prepares them best for life in an ever-shrinking world.

We are flexible about the age that international pupils join our school but recommend that children join at age 10 in Year 5, or at age 11 in Year 6 in order to really develop the English language and learn the routine of the school during a time where there are no examination pressures. 


All Boarders at our private boarding school have access to Repton Prep’s Health and Wellbeing Centre and there is close communication with the medical staff and boarding parents to ensure a seamless approach to each child’s health and wellbeing.

Boarders who choose to register with the school doctor also have access to early morning GP appointments Monday to Friday at Repton School. A member of the medical team escort them to these appointments following assessment by the School Nurse. Any additional emergency appointments, including hospital, opticians and dental visits are accessed via the medical centre and the resident healthcare assistant.

All known medical requirements are shared with boarding staff and teaching staff to ensure a safe environment for children with medical needs. Pupils’ medication is easily accessible in case of emergency but is stored securely within the boarding house. Risk assessments are carried out on pupils who wish to self-administer medication.




Our admission process for prospective families is totally unique to each specific enquiry. We get to know your individual needs and tailor the experience, so you feel sure that together you have made the right choice for your child.