Alongside Repton Prep's own extensive facilities, pupils have access to Repton's world-class campus which is a short mini-bus drive away. From Reception, pupils enjoy specialist sessions with Repton's Head of Science in the University-standard Science Priory and are invited to performances in the 400 Hall Theatre. Drama Scholars also work with the Director of Drama in the studio, theatre and light and sound decks to hone their skills and build up experience.
As pupils move through the school, they progress to using the water-based AstroTurf pitches for hockey training and fixtures, the indoor and outdoor cricket nets, indoor and outdoor tennis courts and 25m swimming pool for competition training. Pupils who show potential to join the sports performance pathway also have access to Repton's Directors of sports, including tennis, swimming, hockey and cricket, to enable them to accelerate their progress and build on the skills they have learnt with our outstanding Prep team of specialist coaches.
Our through-school approach means that Repton Prefects and Heads of School regularly visit the Prep School for peer-to-peer talks on issues such as mental health, bullying and self-esteem. As well as formal discussions, they are given space for informal time together, such as over lunch, to enable them to mentor and offer advice based on their own experiences to our younger pupils.