Academic Enrichment | Repton Prep

Academic Enrichment | Repton Prep



ACADEMIC enrichment

Learning at Repton Prep does not stop in the classroom. Our teachers constantly seek out ways of adding value to core learning. 

Opportunities to take part in Mathematics, Language and Science Olympiads as well as other academic challenges are regularly afforded to pupils of all abilities. Examples include the Junior Maths Challenge and UK Languages Olympiad. These are largely optional, but we encourage every child to stretch themselves by having a go. We have had considerable success in these national and international competitions, with an impressive proportion of pupils each year achieving Gold Awards placing them in the top 5% of the country.  


We welcome visiting speakers to Repton Prep throughout the year to inspire and educate pupils on various topics from feats of endurance, such as the first female explorer of colour to walk unaided to the South Pole - Polar Preet, to breaking down barriers, such as the Oddballs charity who raise awareness of male health. Repton’s Sixth Formers also come and talk to prep pupils about issues facing young people, such as mental health and bullying. We see enormous benefits from these peer-to-peer interactions. 

ARTS programme

Our enriching Arts programme provides Art Scholars as well as pupils who are part of Repton Prep’s many ensembles, choirs, orchestras and bands with unique opportunities. Art Scholars are taken to exhibitions and galleries in London as well as all other part of the UK to enhance their understanding of art history and art appreciation. They also spend time with Repton’s Artists in Residence, Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year Tom Voyce, and spend time with visiting artists who are displaying their works in Repton’s gallery spaces. Pupils with an interest in and aptitude for music are given the opportunity to perform as well as watch acclaimed performances all over the country and overseas. For example, each Remembrance Sunday our Chamber Choir sings at The National Memorial Arboretum and in previous years they have also travelled to Ypres to perform. 


Of course, the extensive grounds at Repton Prep afford the children with their own safe landscape within which to explore and learn. We use these incredible facilities to outstanding effect taking lessons within our core curriculum outdoors whenever we see the merit in doing so. For younger children this is a daily occurrence – learning to form shapes using sticks in the woods, taking bark rubbings and exploring the textures of the natural world. For our older pupils the grounds are equally as exciting – we carry out an annual Green Survey, conduct forensic investigations and challenges, and scrutinise the landscape for art studies. Repton Prep’s site and the surrounding countryside were originally part of the ancient capital of Mercia so are important sites of historical and geographic importance; we even have our own Viking burial ground, which our passionate history and geography teachers use to great effect! 


As part of the Repton Schools Ed-Tech Strategy, we introduced several pilot activities to help us understand how we can best use technology in all forms to enhance pupil experience, learning and skills. One of these is Repton Prep's Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab, offered in partnership with Lumi - an educational innovator, offering exciting online quests designed to complement the traditional curriculum and to equip children with lifelong skills, by designing real-life solutions to some of the greatest issues facing humanity. Pupils in Year 7 and 8 are offered the opportunity to take part and learn to progress an idea for the drawing board to prototype. This encourages them to push the boundaries and take risks – even to fail, which is one of the greatest ways of learning. 





Our admission process for prospective families is totally unique to each specific enquiry. We get to know your individual needs and tailor the experience, so you feel sure that together you have made the right choice for your child.