Pastoral Care at Repton Prep

Pastoral Care at Repton Prep


ComponentsImage,Original,Components  –– Pastoral Care

Pupil wellbeing is at the heart of all that we do and the pastoral care systems at Repton Prep are designed to help every child achieve their true potential.




At Repton Prep we place great emphasis on wellbeing and building emotional intelligence. Pupils are encouraged to celebrate their peers’ achievements, while focusing on their own learning journey. Repton Prep pupils value their school community and enjoy collaborating, are good at reconciling differences, and show empathy with their friends, peers and the wider world.

PUPIL wellbeing

Pupil wellbeing is at the heart of all that we do and the pastoral care systems at Repton Prep are designed to help every child achieve their true potential both in and out of the classroom.

There is a zero-tolerance approach to bullying and a rigorous and carefully constructed anti-bullying policy that is based on open discussion, shared agreements and careful monitoring. PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Education) lessons, Form Times and Assemblies complement our philosophy of offering a broad and balanced education in which children learn their societal responsibilities.

Each pupil is an individual, with their own unique talents and personality. Our highly trained and skilled staff know each and every child, allowing them to nurture their strengths and help them to develop other areas aiding them to reach their full potential. A supportive and open environment for all of our children ensures that their pastoral needs are at the heart of our school community and any concerns are dealt with efficiently and effectively.


“The opportunities to revel in childhood activities are boundless at Repton Prep’s campus.”

Chelsea Life Magazine

pastoral TEAM

Repton Prep is built on people. We are fortunate to have a very dedicated Pastoral Support Group, who ensure pupil wellbeing is at the centre of their regular meetings so that the circumstances of each child are known and acted on if necessary. In addition to this, the Deputy Head (Pastoral & Boarding), and Head are also fully involved with all aspects of the pupil’s daily lives. Our boarding pupils enjoy extremely high standards of pastoral care with all boarding staff working with key staff and parents to ensure that children’s individual needs are met.

Transition to a new year group, key stage or campus is extremely important and our carefully devised programme, ensures pupils move to their next year group fully prepared, with both confidence and support.

We pride ourselves on the positive relationships which exist between staff and pupils and the strength of our partnership with parents and believe that high standards of conduct are promoted more by encouragement and celebration of success than by use of sanctions.






Our admission process for prospective families is totally unique to each specific enquiry. We get to know your individual needs and tailor the experience, so you feel sure that together you have made the right choice for your child.