We are delighted that Mrs Vicky Harding will be taking up her position as Head of Repton Prep this September. We caught up with her to discover more about what inspired her to join our community. 

What unique qualities are you looking forward to bringing to Repton Prep?   

Repton Prep talks about the vital importance of balance, and for me this means developing a collaborative culture that allows pupils the freedom to explore how the unique range of opportunities at the school will grow a rounded character - not just in terms of their interests, but emotionally, socially and in their sense of wellbeing. Our children should have the freedom to explore beyond the classroom and benefit from collaboration across subjects.   

I have arrived at a balanced view of what the earlier years of a child's education can and should be, having been fortunate enough to work in a real range of Prep Schools. I am already using that breadth of experience to develop a strategic plan outlining our ambitions for Repton Prep for the next five years and beyond. This plan will ensure your child has all the benefits of a perfectly balanced, world-leading education; pastorally, academically, with innovative and enriching sport and co-curricular programmes, all underpinned by the strength of our community as part of the global Repton family of schools.    

What was the biggest challenge you faced at school?   

I absolutely adored school and seized all the opportunities that school life offered. But I was shy and feared getting things wrong. Fostering a positive culture of balance, where children are secure enough to deal with adversity and able to flex their academic, creative and sporting muscles at a young age encourages curiosity. In my experience when you become good at one thing, it builds confidence to try other things and I certainly use a set of transferable skills on a daily basis.  

What most excites you about formative years education?   

The first years of education set the tone for the rest of a child’s school life and beyond. Children change rapidly during the early years and therefore helping them to discover talents and feel valued through an inclusive and diverse curriculum is as fundamental as giving them the important building blocks for academic success.    

How do you think our School best prepares children for their ongoing educational journey?   

When a child joins us there should be a strong partnership between school and home with clear communication, so we have a joint and shared approach to the development of each child. Repton Prep and its wonderful staff offer the space and support for children to develop as individuals, with specialist teaching and an array of opportunities to enable every pupil to flourish. With its strong pastoral foundation, outstanding teachers and sensational setting that has benefited from unrivalled investment, Repton Prep is a very special place to learn. I cannot wait to be a part of it!   

What would you consider to be the greatest impact you have had in your career to date?      

I love being part of a team with a collective goal to make education the best it can be. I am ambitious and one of the initiatives that led to me being where I am now was the opportunity to create and develop an annual cross-curricular project where English, Geography, History, Music and Art were combined to produce a performance in the Cadogan Hall, London which raised over £30,000 for charity. The sense of creativity, hard work, cross year group collaboration and joy that this facilitated for the pupils, as well as the cohesion, dedication and willingness required from the staff, made it an incredibly special event that I remain extremely proud of.                        

What do you consider to be the hallmarks of a Repton Prep education?   

That the child is at the heart of every decision.    

We talk about balance and in practice this means having brilliant staff and outstanding facilities that give children a wealth of opportunities. Exceptional pastoral care enables our children to thrive, develop and shine, rather than feel overwhelmed by the wealth of opportunities on offer. As a through-school this strong foundation and ongoing collaboration with our colleagues throughout the year groups means Repton Prep pupils arrive in year 9 with an unbounded attitude to learning, exploring the arts, playing sport and trying new endeavours that sets them on the path for success at school and beyond.